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China launched the space station core module Tianhe. GP bottles do your online perfume packaging service.

China launched the space station core module Tianhe. GP bottles do your online perfume packaging service.

Apr 30,2021
GP Bottles OEM ODM Manufacturing

China has successfully launched the core module of space station on 29th April yesterday in WenChang Hainan. Aim to complete the construction of the station by the end of next year.

The success of the launch attached the milestone of full implementation stage.

The Chinas space station is the first one open to all United Nations members. It not only shows the high of tolerance, but also shows various mode of cooperation.

We,  the Chinese people always devote ourselves to do things. Not only to our national affairs, but also to all the daily details. Especially we are doing perfume packaging services for claims all over the world. Doing perfume packaging business is like making friends. We are cooperating with claims with our enthusiasm. Hoping all of us are doing quite rewarding business. Contact us & lets know each other.

Are you looking for a reliable supplier to design and customize your perfume packaging?

We can quickly provide customers with design, customized service and contract manufacturer.
Consult GP Bottles@ Let's Create It Together
GP Bottles not only manufactures perfume bottles but also designs them to resonate with the essence and ethos of your perfume brand. Our mission is to "Elevate Scores of Your Perfume Brand" and we invite you to consult with us to collaboratively bring your vision to life.
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